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Pneumatic Technology


Sign of pressure

The definition of pressure is the force acting on the unit area, in which the magnitude of the force (Kgf) acting per 1 Cm2 is most commonly used, i.e. Kgf/Cm2. Pressure may also be expressed in terms of the corresponding height of the mercury (mmHg) and the height of the water column (mmHg).
Recently, the spread of the International Unit System (SI Unit System) is expanding for the purpose of international unit unification, in which the force acting per square meter, N/m2, the size of N (Newton), is expressed as Pa (Pascal).
In this case, Pa is a fairly small unit and often uses either Kpa (kilo-pascal) or Mpa (mega-pascal) that is 1,000 times larger.
Bar(bar) is used as the atmospheric pressure unit.


Comparison of unit

단위 비교
/ kgf/Cm2 bar PSI kPa
kgf/Cm2 1 0.9807 14.2233 98.07
bar 1.0197 1 14.5037 100
PSI 0.0703 0.06894 1 6.8747
kPa 0.01019 0.01 0.14503 1

Standard of pressure

  • Physics Theoretical : Absolute pressure based on full vacuum
  • General engineering : use of instrument pressure based on atmospheric pressure
  • Absolute pressure : pressure measured based on full vacuum
    Absolute pressure [kgf/Cm2abs] = Gauge pressure[kgf/Cm2] + Atmospheric pressure1.0331[kgf/Cm2]

The relationship of pressure temperature volume of air

P = Absolute pressure of air [Kgf/Cm2abs]

V = Specific volume [m3/kgf]

For example, if air pressure of 1Kgf/Cm2G (≒2Kgf/Cm2abs) is compressed to a volume of 1/4 as shown, the pressure will be 7Kgf/Cm2G (≒8Kgf/Cm2abs), increasing by approximately 4 times the absolute pressure.
This relationship is called BOYLE's law.

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